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February 24, 2022 — Tearing Down Your Own Home
The story is that the empty lot next to our home was supposed to have a house. The foundation was built, and pillars set only to suddenly be stopped and then torn down. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 14:1-3
February 23, 2022 — Your Company Matters
I had an acquaintance in high school who hung around with a group that was always in trouble. Sadly, he ended up just like his friends—in trouble. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 13:20
February 22, 2022 — The Value of Instruction
I received a new coffee maker this week. Because I am a technical person, I didn’t read the instructions before setting up all its smart features. What a mistake! Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 13:13-14
February 17, 2022 – A Longing Fulfilled
Have you been anticipating something to happen for a long time? Commit it to God and see what happens! Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 13:12
February 16, 2022 – Pride brings Strife
Years ago, I had responsibility to referee Church fights for a large group of churches. What I soon learned was that the majority were not caused by doctrines or what the church believed, but by personalities jockeying for power. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 13:10
February 15, 2022 – Shining Brightly
A light always overcomes darkness. So, if Christ is working in your life, your light should shine. If your light is dim you need to ask yourself some tough questions. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 13:9
Never Knew It
As a child I was allergic to eggs. Because of this I never had eggs, or anything with eggs in it, including mayonnaise, cakes, and donuts. Some people said, “You poor person, you can’t eat cake.” The truth was I never tasted cake, so I never missed it! Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 13:7-8
Feeling Overthrown?
When I was young it was so easy. Good guys were always good and bad guys were always bad. There were no good bad guys and bad good guys. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 13:5,6
February 8, 2022 – Accepting Discipline
Wisdom begins early in life. A wise person will accept discipline. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 13:1-3
February 3, 2022 — The Path to Righteousness
What path are you taking? Hopefully, it is the path to righteousness!
Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 12:28
February 2, 2022 — Weighed Down
Do you know someone who is weighed down with problems. Offer them an encouraging word. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 12:25
February 1, 2022 — Promoting Peace
What is your method of bringing about change? Do you plot or bring peace? Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 12:20-22
January 27, 2022 – Piercing Words
The tongue has been described as a small rudder that steers a great ship! It is also a sword that pierces others like a sword. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 12:17-19
I had a strange duty in one of my jobs. To keep my boss from speaking with employees.
January 26, 2022 – Listen to Advice
I once preached about forgiving as Christ forgave you. After the service I was cornered by three women who lectured me. “How dare you preach a sermon about us.” Then they let me know all about the grudges they had with each other. I replied, “Well, I did not realize you needed to forgive each other when I was preaching, but I do now.” Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 12:15-16
January 25, 2022 – Feeling Trapped by You?
My dad, a former judge, used to tell a story about a young person who came in front of a judge for stealing a watch. The jury deliberated and found him not guilty. After announcing the verdict, the judge asked the young man if he had any questions. The man answered, “Does this mean I get to keep the watch?” Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 12:13-14
January 20, 2022 – Animal Lovers
I am a “dog lover.” But in all the years I have studied the Bible, I never noticed the statement before, “The righteous care for the needs of their animals.” Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 12:10.
January 19, 2022 — Pretending?
Years ago, I went to school with a family who seemed to have it all. Everyone looked up to them. But the whole time their checks were bouncing. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 12:9.
January 18, 2022 – Wise or Warped
I spoke with a man who wondered why he got in trouble. Evidently, he was drinking too much and interrupted a children’s program by getting on the stage and singing loudly. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 12:8.
January 13, 2022 — Taking Criticism
Criticism stings. Not every criticism is valid. Yet we are wise if we evaluate criticism and act when appropriate. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 12:1-3.
January 12, 2022 — The Not So Secret to Life
The not so secret to life is to Trust in God and not your things. Easy to say, yet difficult in practice. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 11:28-31.
January 11, 2022 — Generosity
Do you own your things, or do the own you? Sharing is an amazing secret to a better life. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 11:24-25.
January 6, 2022 — New Year Checkup Part 3: What Do you desire?
As you begin your New Year ask yourself, “What do I desire?” Do I desire what good? Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 11:23
January 5 2022 — New Year Checkup Part 2: What Am I Pursuing?
As the year begins, you need to evaluate your goals and ask some tough questions. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 11:19-21
January 4 2022 — New Year Checkup part 1: Am I Generous?
Let’s do I quick New Year check-up. Are you generous, merciful and caring because you love the Lord or are you looking out for number one? Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 11:16-18
2021 Devotions
December 30, 2021 — New Wineskins for a New Year
New Wineskins for a new bath of wine! Why repeat last year’s mistakes? It’s time for a new approach. Today’s thought is based on Mathew 9:16-17
December 29, 2021 –Fasting for Jesus
The worst time to fast may very well be between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day. Perhaps the best time is at the ring of the New Year’s bell. Replace some of your food with scripture and prayer and concentrate on your relationship with God. Try it! Today’s thought is based on Mathew 9:14-15
December 28, 2021 — Neighbor Talk
Talking critically about your neighbor may make you feel good, but it certainly will not bring long term peace. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 11:12-13