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June 30, 2022 — Barred Gates
My Lhasa Apso, Fritz, used to escape and then get lost. So, we built a fence about 12 x 12 with a doghouse in the middle. Fritz would prance around the fence and peer out the bars of the fence. One day that fence went down, but Fritz would still run the area where the fence stood, never leaving the confines of his bars. Christ died to set you free, do not return to your self-inflicted confinement! Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 18:19
A brother wronged is more unyielding than a fortified city;
disputes are like the barred gates of a citadel.
June 29, 2022 — The First to Speak.
We are surrounded by so much information. But we need to make certain we do not make snap judgements. Pray first, listen well then evaluate! Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 18:17
In a lawsuit the first to speak seems right,
until someone comes forward and cross-examines. (Proverbs 18:17)
June 28, 2022 – Enduring with Cheerfulness
One of my former youth group members has a daughter who has been in and out of the hospital many times with Leukemia. She has endured countless medical procedures. Interesting that she has an unstoppable attitude to life. She has won many awards, and her life is filled joy. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 18:14
The human spirit can endure in sickness,
but a crushed spirit who can bear? ( Proverbs 18:14)
June 23, 2022 – Answer before listening.
When I was in grade school, we always wanted to look good to the teacher. Because we competed for good standing, we would often raise our hands to answer before the teacher asked the question. Now that we are grown, do we still answer before we hear? Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 18:13
To answer before listening—
that is folly and shame. (Proverbs 18:13)
June 22, 2022 — Delight in Your Opinion.
Are you built backwards? Christians are supposed to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. But many of us are quick to speak, quick to grow angry and very slow to listen! Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 18:2.
Fools find no pleasure in understanding
but delight in airing their own opinions. (Proverbs 18:2)
June 21, 2022 — Showing Restraint
Do many things rouse your temper? Do you explain your anger by saying it another person’s fault? If so, take a deep look in the mirror! Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 17:27-28.
The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint,
and whoever has understanding is even-tempered
Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent,
and discerning if they hold their tongues. (Proverbs 17:27-28)
June 16, 2022 – Directly in Front of You
Are you dreaming of a different life that is fulfilling and will give you love, joy and peace? That life may be right in front of you! Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 17:24
Wisdom is directly in front of
the discerning person,
but the eyes of a fool run
to the ends of the earth.
(Proverbs 17:24)
June 15, 2022 – The Foolish Child
Foolish children often forget the flogging they give to their parents. One of the more common prayer requests from parents is for their adult children who are headed in the wrong direction. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 17:25-26
A foolish child is a grief to his father,
and bitterness to the mother who bore him.
It is terrible to punish a righteous person,
and to flog
honorable men is wrong.
(Proverbs 17:22-23)
June 14, 2022 – A Cheerful Heart
One of my favorite movies is Pollyanna. Pollyanna the orphan daughter of missionaries has an amazing ability to bring cheer to everyone around her. We should all be like Pollyanna–Missionaries who bring the joy of the Lord to all. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 17:22-23
A cheerful heart
brings good healing,
but a crushed spirit
dries up the bones.
(Proverbs 17:22-23)
June 9, 2022 – Building a High Gate
Years ago, there was a string of robberies that all had something in common. The criminals targeted slow moving people who were decked out in designer clothes and jewelry.
Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 17:19
June 8, 2022 – Pledging for Your Neighbor
On one hand Christians are supposed to be cheerful givers. But proverbs warns that you need to watch being trapped by your own words. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 17:18.
One who has no mind shakes hands in pledge
and puts up his house up as a pledge for a neighbor.
(Proverbs 17:18)
June 7, 2022 — Born for a Time of Adversity
In October I was diagnosed with a common form of cancer and underwent radiation therapy during February and March. Sure, there were side effects, but so many had it worse. During this time so many friends expressed their love and support. My brothers and sister were amazing, calling me every week to check on how I was doing. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 17:17
A friend loves at all times,
and a brother is born for a time of adversity.
(Proverbs 17:17)
June 2, 2022 – What separates
To make a mistake is human. To forgive comes from God. To repeat a mistake over and over again causes close friends to separate. Today’s Thought is based on Proverbs 17:9.
Whoever would foster love covers over an offense,
but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends. (Proverbs 17:9)
June 1, 2022 — A Dry Crust
When I was young, we used to cruise up and down the intercostal waterway. Some of the homes were spectacular. There was one ranch in particular was stunning. The house stretched about a block long. Everything about the house was beautiful, from its architecture to the pool furnishings.
At that time, I thought this is the house I want when I grow up. As I grew older, I found the man who owned the house was infamous, he lived an immoral and unhappy life. I then thought, “I’ll keep my house!” Today’s Thought is based on Proverbs 17:1.
Better a dry crust with peace and quiet
than a house full of feasting, with strife. (Proverbs 17:1)
May 31, 2022 – Gray Hair
I was lucky enough to grow up in a multi-generation family. Grandma Alice was a source of constant wisdom. Her friends were often at our home, and we called them “aunt” and “uncle”. In those days churches were also multi-generational. Today’s Thought is based on Proverbs 16:31.
Gray hair is a crown of splendor;
it is attained in the way of righteousness.(Proverbs 16:31)