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(Note: Devotions will not be available until the day they are published at 3:15 pm)

Jesus our Immanuel
Two simple names for Jesus reveal the profound truth of who He is. He was named Jesus, which means “God saves,” because He would save His people from their sins. He was also called Immanuel, meaning “God with us.”
When you put these names together, the significance of Jesus’ birth becomes clear. God Himself came down to accomplish what we never could—He came to save us. To save us from sin and death, and to give us eternal life. This salvation required the ultimate sacrifice, and so God became man, born in a humble manger, to pay the price for our sins.
The birth of Jesus is the moment when heaven touched earth, and God’s plan for our redemption unfolded. Want to dive deeper? Watch today’s video based on Matthew 1:21–23 and discover the incredible story of how God saves and remains with us.

That Quiet Dark Night
Jesus was born in the stillness of the night—a time of quiet and calm. There were no cars, no bright lights, and little activity. Just the lowly shepherds keeping watch over their flocks. But this night was unlike any other.
The silence was shattered by a celebration like no other. First, a single angel appeared, announcing the good news. Then, an entire host of angels filled the sky, their voices thundering with praise and glory. Imagine how overwhelming and awe-inspiring that moment must have been—a heavenly birthday celebration for the Savior of the world!
So incredible was this event that the shepherds abandoned their posts and rushed to see Jesus for themselves. Perhaps God wants to interrupt your life too—with the joy, hope, and transformation that the birth of Christ brings. Want to hear more? Watch today’s video based on Luke 2:13–14 to experience the wonder of that holy night.

Joseph and Christmas
We often reflect on Mary, the mother of Jesus, and rightly so. But have you ever considered the incredible faith of Joseph? The first time we hear about him, he is described as a righteous man, planning to quietly divorce Mary to protect her dignity. In his culture, marrying her after the birth of a son who wasn’t his would have been unthinkable. Yet, when an angel of the Lord appeared to him with a divine command—to take Mary as his wife and raise Jesus—Joseph responded with unwavering obedience.
Joseph’s faith and trust in God’s plan are a powerful example for us all.
Want to dive deeper? Watch today’s video inspired by Matthew 1:18–20 to explore Joseph’s remarkable story.

Jesus our Immanuel
Two simple names for Jesus reveal the profound truth of who He is. He was named Jesus, which means “God saves,” because He would save His people from their sins. He was also called Immanuel, meaning “God with us.”
When you put these names together, the significance of Jesus’ birth becomes clear. God Himself came down to accomplish what we never could—He came to save us. To save us from sin and death, and to give us eternal life. This salvation required the ultimate sacrifice, and so God became man, born in a humble manger, to pay the price for our sins.
The birth of Jesus is the moment when heaven touched earth, and God’s plan for our redemption unfolded. Want to dive deeper? Watch today’s video based on Matthew 1:21–23 and discover the incredible story of how God saves and remains with us.

That Quiet Dark Night
Jesus was born in the stillness of the night—a time of quiet and calm. There were no cars, no bright lights, and little activity. Just the lowly shepherds keeping watch over their flocks. But this night was unlike any other.
The silence was shattered by a celebration like no other. First, a single angel appeared, announcing the good news. Then, an entire host of angels filled the sky, their voices thundering with praise and glory. Imagine how overwhelming and awe-inspiring that moment must have been—a heavenly birthday celebration for the Savior of the world!
So incredible was this event that the shepherds abandoned their posts and rushed to see Jesus for themselves. Perhaps God wants to interrupt your life too—with the joy, hope, and transformation that the birth of Christ brings. Want to hear more? Watch today’s video based on Luke 2:13–14 to experience the wonder of that holy night.

Joseph and Christmas
We often reflect on Mary, the mother of Jesus, and rightly so. But have you ever considered the incredible faith of Joseph? The first time we hear about him, he is described as a righteous man, planning to quietly divorce Mary to protect her dignity. In his culture, marrying her after the birth of a son who wasn’t his would have been unthinkable. Yet, when an angel of the Lord appeared to him with a divine command—to take Mary as his wife and raise Jesus—Joseph responded with unwavering obedience.
Joseph’s faith and trust in God’s plan are a powerful example for us all.
Want to dive deeper? Watch today’s video inspired by Matthew 1:18–20 to explore Joseph’s remarkable story.

A Long Time Ago
The very first prophecy in Scripture appears when humanity fell in the Garden of Eden. Despite Adam and Eve’s disobedience, God made a promise that would shape the course of history: He would not abandon us to a life of sin and separation from Him. Instead, He foretold that one of Eve’s offspring would rise to conquer sin and death, offering hope and redemption to all.
This powerful prophecy, known as the Protoevangelium—the first announcement of the Gospel—points directly to Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Discover the depth of this promise and its ultimate fulfillment by watching today’s video based on Genesis 3:15.

Over a thousand years before Christ, Moses declared a prophetic vision: “A star will come out of Jacob!” (Numbers 24:17). He spoke with confidence, seeing clearly that God’s promise would be fulfilled—not immediately, but at just the right time. Though centuries would pass, the prophecy pointed unmistakably to the birth of Jesus, the long-awaited Savior.
This divine promise reminds us that God’s timing is always perfect. Jesus came into the world over a millennium after Moses’ declaration, fulfilling the words spoken so long before.
Want to uncover more about this incredible prophecy and its fulfillment? Watch today’s video and explore the beauty of God’s faithfulness revealed through His Word!

Redeem and Adopt
Just think about it! At Christmas, God sent His Son for those who had fallen short of His commandments and spiritual truths. Jesus came to pay the price for our sins—but God’s love didn’t stop there. He went even further and adopted us as His own!
Discover more in today’s video, inspired by Galatians 4:4-5.

December 5, 2024
A Present for Us
Did you know that Jesus is the greatest gift ever given—a gift from God, given for you? He wasn’t wrapped in fine packaging or presented with earthly fanfare, but He came as the perfect expression of God’s love and grace. Jesus was sent to be our Savior, a light to a world lost in darkness and a source of hope for people desperately in need.
This gift wasn’t earned; it was given out of God’s incredible love for you. To discover more about this life-changing truth watch today’s video based on Isaiah 9:6. You don’t want to miss it!

A Shoot from Jesse
Of all the sons of Jesse, David, the youngest, was overlooked by his own family, relegated to tending sheep while others were presented to the prophet Samuel. Yet, God saw what others did not. He chose this humble shepherd boy to rule over Israel, anointing him as king and making him a man after His own heart.
Centuries later, Jesus, a direct descendant of David, entered the world in much the same way—quietly and without fanfare. Born in the obscure town of Bethlehem, He arrived not in a palace but in a manger, unnoticed by the powerful and privileged of His day. Yet it was through this humble beginning that God revealed His greatest plan of redemption.
Jesus, like David before Him, reminds us that God’s choice often defies human expectations. He exalts the lowly, uses the unexpected, and works through the humble to bring about His glorious purposes. To learn more, watch today’s video based on Isaiah 11:1-3

Great things often happen in the most unexpected places, and small towns can hold great surprises. Such was the case when God chose the humble town of Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus. Bethlehem—a place so small and seemingly insignificant—became the birthplace of our Savior and the city of David, forever cementing its place in history.
This choice reminds us that God often works through the unassuming and overlooked to accomplish His greatest plans. It’s a powerful reminder that no place or person is too small for His purpose.
To explore this profound truth join us in today’s video based on Micah 5:2. You won’t want to miss it!