June 27, 2024
Heaven: Eternal Life
When John enters heaven in the Book of Revelation, he hears a voice asking, “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?” (Rev 5:2). The question is met with silence. John understands that the scroll holds the names of those who will be allowed to enter heaven, yet no one is found worthy to open it. That is, no one except Jesus, the Lamb of God.  To learn more, watch today’s video based on Revelation 5:1-5.
June 26, 2024
Heaven: A Place of Praise
One of the primary aspects of heaven is its atmosphere of unending joy and praise. It will be a place where mourning and crying cease to exist, replaced by continuous praise and a joyous new life. To learn more, watch today’s video based on Revelation 4: 7-11.
June 25, 2024
First Glimpse of Heaven
Many people envision heaven as a place in the clouds, a portrayal often reinforced by movies and books. This popular depiction usually involves a dimly lit, quiet, and foggy environment. However, the Bible presents a very different description of heaven. To learn more, watch  today’s video based on Revelation 4:1-6.
To the Church: Laodicea
Materialism tempts us to believe that accumulating possessions will bring fulfillment. However, nothing could be further from the truth. While material things may provide temporary happiness, they can easily fall apart, leaving an emptiness within. True abundance and fulfillment can only be found in the Lord. To learn more, watch today’s video based on Revelation 3: 14-21.
To the Church: Philadelphia
Christians often say, “When God shuts one door, He opens another.” However, there is one door that He opens which can never be shut: His invitation to become part of His family. By receiving Jesus as your Savior and Lord through faith, you are granted the free gift of eternal life. To learn more, watch today’s video based on Revelation 3: 7-13
To the Church: Sardis
Years ago, a young man attended church, impeccably dressed in a suit and tie, carrying a Bible. At first glance, one would assume he was a Christian. One Sunday morning, he approached me with a question. He shared that he had listened to the message and responded to the call to trust in Christ for salvation. He had, in faith, asked Christ to be his Lord and Savior. However, he was curious why he had never noticed this message before.

I was puzzled because I consistently preached the same message. Then it struck me: he had been spiritually asleep, dead in his sins and trespasses, until God awakened him. “ To learn more, watch today’s video based on Revelation 3: 1-6
June 13, 2024
To the Church: Thyatira
Love without truth can lead to superficiality and enable harmful behaviors to persist unchecked. On the other hand, truth without love can be harsh and lacking in compassion, causing more harm than good. However, when truth is coupled with love, it becomes a powerful force for positive change. To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Revelation 2:18-29.
June 12, 2024
To the Church: Pergamum

A significant lesson we can glean from God’s message to the Church in Pergamum is the importance of holding firm to the truth and the beliefs we hold. In a world filled with conflicting ideologies and temptations, it becomes crucial to stand firm in our faith. The Pergamum Church serves as a reminder that compromising our beliefs can lead us astray. Therefore, it is essential to remain steadfast in our commitment to truth and to resist the allure of falsehoods and deception. To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Revelation 2:13-17.
June 11, 2024
To The Church: Smyrna

Despite the poverty and afflictions faced by the Church in Smyrna, they were rich in the most important ways. Their true wealth came from their relationship with Jesus Christ, and they held onto the promise of eternal life. Despite their earthly struggles, they found comfort and strength in their faith, knowing that their ultimate inheritance awaited them. To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Revelation 2:8-10.
June 6, 2024
First Love
I’ve often said, “JOY” is spelled J for Jesus first, O for others second, and Y for yourself last. Revelation 2:1-7 illustrates the consequences when a church (or a person) loses its first love. To learn more, listen to today’s video.
June 5, 2024
Do Not Be Afraid
In the Scriptures, numerous individuals encounter the Lord face to face, resulting in immediate fear. However, in these moments, Jesus reaches out to them with comforting words, saying, “Do not be afraid.” To learn more, listen to today’s video based on Revelation 1:17-18.
June 4, 2044
The Son of Man
Revelation vividly describes Jesus with divine attributes: His eyes blaze with fire, and His face and feet radiate with glorious brilliance. To Learn more, listen to today’s video based on Rev 1:12-16
Coming from the Clouds
Jesus, described as the eternal God — that is the God who is, who was, and is to come –, will return from the clouds, visible to all. To learn more, listen to today’s video based on Revelation 1:7-8

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