Mary responds to Elizabeth with words of praise, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.” (Luke 1:47) Today’s thought is based on Luke 1:46-50

Trusting in God has value not only for eternal life, but it carries many blessings from the Lord in this life. Today’s thought is based on Luke 1:43-45

Even before Jesus was born, he was stirring up excitement! Are you excited? Today’s thought is based on Luke 1:39-42

We often think that our behavior only influences us. But our behaviors are actually felt by all around us. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 10:29-31

When I was young, we would play hide and go seek with my parents. They always found us, not because they were so good at seeking, but we were always noisy and gave ourselves away. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 11:4-7

Some people think, “A little bit of cheating is okay.” I remember going to restaurants where children under five were free. What a temptation to say my five-year-old was four. But I decided that I need to say five. What happened next was a pleasant surprise. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 11:1-3

Everyone needs a refuge, a place of help in the time of trouble. The issue is that some places of refuge are more like crumbling sheds than forts. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 10:29-31

The problem with living for self is the lack of a firm foundation. When trouble comes, they are swept away. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 10:25-28

I once interviewed a person and asked them what they wanted in a job. He answered, “To make the Most money with the least amount effort.” Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 10:23-24

Do you know anyone who always has to get the last word? Contrary to what they think, the last word is not the best word. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 10:18-21

Sometimes we all say things that we should not. And then we pay the price! Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 10:12-13

Everyone has a boss. To give commands you need to be willing to take commands. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 10:8-10

Sometimes it is too easy to think about all that is wrong. But today live every day is a day to give thanks to God.

I remember a tie when an employee who was often late for work, lax while at work, and went home early asked us for a large raise. His rational was “John received a raise, I should too.” Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 10:4-5

“Ill-gotten treasures have no lasting value,” (Proverbs 10:2) The way we work is as important as the benefit we receive.

True wisdom which comes from God begins when you respect God. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 9:10-12.

Arguing seldom works, especially if the person mocks what you believe. But there is a better way. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 9:7-9.

God’s wisdom so perfectly found in the Scripture and through prayer is worth more than gold or silver. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs8:17-21.