Many think that a worship service should be an hour long. Five minutes longer and people get fidgety. Fifteen minutes over an hour is out of the question. But Jesus spoke all day and Paul’s service went on after midnight! Today’s thought is based on Acts 20:7-12

In business, a disruption can be terrifying or life-changing depending on what side you are on. For example, the car disrupted horses as transportation. Wired Telephones were disrupted by cell phones and cell phones by smart cell phones. Remember the old clunker CRT TV you had? Few would think the disruption by flat-screen TVs manufacturers was anything but an improvement. Christ was and still is the great disrupter. Today’s thought is based on Acts 19: 32-41

Christ was a threat to all of those in the idol business. Perhaps today’s idols look a little different, but they are still there. Today’s thought is based on Acts 19:23-31

As Paul traveled he stirred up emotions everywhere. He spoke boldly and backed it up with the power of God. Today’s thought is based on Acts 19:8-22.

A New Way
As the gospel spread, so did the assortment of those who shared the gospel. Apollos, Priscilla and Aquila all brought the same message but with new abilities. Today’s thought is based on Acts 18:18-28

Sosthenes and Paul
The book of 1 Corinthians begins with these words, “Paul, called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and our brother Sosthenes.” The story of how Sosthenes became a brother in Christ shows how powerful the message was delivered. Today’s thought is based on Acts 18:9-17

As Paul traveled he stirred up emotions everywhere. He spoke boldly and backed it up with the power of God. Today’s thought is based on Acts 19:8-22.

A New Way
As the gospel spread, so did the assortment of those who shared the gospel. Apollos, Priscilla, and Aquila all brought the same message but with new abilities. Today’s thought is based on Acts 18:18-28

Sosthenes and Paul
The book of 1 Corinthians begins with these words, “Paul, called to be an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and our brother Sosthenes.” The story of how Sosthenes became a brother in Christ shows how powerful the message was delivered. Today’s thought is based on Acts 18:9-17

Join us as we take a look at why the Bereans were of more noble character and what we should learn from them. Today’s thought is based on Acts 17:10-15.

Where ever Paul and his companions went, they stirred up emotions. A large number of people came to know Jesus. But some were jealous and tried to cause trouble. Today’s thought is based on Acts 17:1-9

It would have been easy for Paul and Silas to blame the jailer for their illegal imprisonment. But instead, they brought them into the family. Today’s thought is based on Acts 16:35-40

Paul was amazing. He was once unjustly put in jail so God caused an earthquake and the jail walls fell down. But rather than run away, he brought the jailer to the Lord.
Today’s thought is based on Acts 16:16-34.

It is natural to think that everyone who comes to a place of worship is a Christian. But that is not always true. Always be ready to share and watch God act. Today’s thought is based on Acts 16:13-16

Have you ever misjudged someone? If you did, you are in good company. The key was that Paul admitted he was wrong in the end! Will you? Today’s thought is based on Acts 15:36-41