There are so many choices that we make. Wisdom is the ability to make the right choice in a time when there are many wrong choices. Wisdom keeps us on the right path. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 2:12-15

With all the information surrounding us, discernment becomes critical. Discernment is to grasp what is true, the ability to understand what is right and just and fair. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 2:9-11

When I was young, learning was pretty limited. I went to school where teachers helped you acquire knowledge. I would often go to the library to pick up some books. PBS had some learning, but I preferred Bonanza and Andy Griffith. Today you can go to the internet and learn almost anything. But it seems to me that we struggle with wisdom! Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 2:1-6

Have you ever met someone who always learned the hard way? Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 1:32-33.

I recently told a man that his friends were not really his friends. They were a corrupting force in his life. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 1:10-16

We all make decisions– some good, some bad. Hopefully mostly good! Where you start is the key to making the right decision. Today’s thought is based on Proverbs 1:7

I have told many that I want to keep serving God as long as I am able. The Book of Acts ends with Paul the Apostle proclaiming the kingdom of God with all boldness. Today’s thought is based on Acts 28:28-31.

Snakes bring terror to many. See what happened to Paul the Apostle when he encountered a snake. Today’s thought is based on Acts 28:1-6

Paul and the crew of the ship were caught in a great storm for fourteen days. Everything looked bad. But Paul promised them, “you will not lose a single hair on your head.” Today’s thought is based on Acts 27:33-44

Are you a worrier or an encourager? Paul was in a boat filled with distraught people who felt their situation was hopeless. He rose up and encouraged the group. Today’s thought is based on Acts 27:13-27

Are you afraid of God? Are you worried about a sin in your life and think that God will punish you? The good news is that God sent Jesus into the world to save you! He says’ “Do not be afraid.” Today’s thought is based on Acts 24:24-26

What are your beliefs? And do you keep them? Today’s thought is based on Acts 24:14-16

The apostle Paul was held even though the commander knew he had done no wrong. Paul was willing because it gave him more opportunity to speak about Jesus Christ. Today’s thought is based on Acts 23:27-30.

A plot to harm the apostle Paul caused quite a stir. But God made a promise to Paul. He said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.” Today’s thought is based on Acts 23:11-24

Paul stood in front of the Pharisees who believed in the resurrection and the Sadducees who did not believe in the resurrection. Before long there was a heated discussion involving the truth. Today’s thought is based on Acts 23:4-10