Hidden Faults
A young man and his wife came to see me one day. The man abruptly told me, “I have no sin in my life.” His wife then explained his faults in detail. Sometimes we see others’ faults clearly, but do not see our own. To learn more, listen to today’s devotion based on Psalm 19:12-13

Refresh Your Soul
After our recent hurricane, I returned to our home to find we had about a foot of water in our garage and utility area and a total mess in our yard. Cleaning the mess was complicated by the intense heat and humidity. I found myself drinking an amazing amount of liquids. I was tired and grumpy. What I needed was some refreshment for my soul! To learn more, listen to today’s devotion based on Psalm 19:7-10.

The Skies Declare His Glory
Since moving to the bay, I take walks most days. I am amazed at how the look changes day by day. Dolphin, Manatee, Rays, Osprey, Hawks, Ibis, Heron, and Storks abundant! As I walk, I pray. I am thankful for it is so evident that God is working. To learn more, listen to today’s devotion based on Psalm 19:1-4.

Flawless Words
What does David mean when he tells us that God’s way is perfect and word is flawless. To learn more, listen to today’s devotion based on Psalm 18:30-36.

Distress and Rescue
Have you ever felt that life was more than you could handle? Think of how David felt. Yet David knew something that many of us miss. He knew that God’s power to rescue him was far greater than anyone could imagine. To learn more, listen to today’s devotion based on Psalm 18:9-19.

The One We Love
Moses said it, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (Deuteronomy 6:5, NIV) David explained it! To learn more, listen to today’s devotion based on Psalm 18:1-3.

Show Me the Wonders of God’s Love
When you hurt do you reach out and pray that God will change your circumstances? David asked God to show him, “the wonders of God’s great love.” To learn more, listen to today’s devotion based on Psalm 17:6-8.

All Fear is Gone
All of us will die some day. How do you deal with it? To learn more, listen to today’s devotion based on Psalm 16:9-11.
1. I can have joy.
2. I will not be abandoned.
3. I can know the path to eternal life.
4. I will receive eternal pleasures with God.

My Portion and Cup
Jesus said, “Man cannot live by bread alone.” David said it like this, “You are my portion and my cup.” To learn more, listen to today’s Devotion is based on Psalm 16:5-8.

Apart from God
I just a few short verse David makes four points about God. 1) We can call out to God 2) We can take refuge in times of pain. 3) We should realize God is greater than us—that is “He is Lord.” 4) A relationship with God is better than anything else in life. To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Psalm 16:1-2.
Keep me safe, my God,
for in you I take refuge.
I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord;
apart from you I have no good thing.”

Never Be Shaken
When you put your trust in Jesus, you are made new in Christ. Your life changes and you start to follow the Lord in Faith. When trouble comes your way, you will not be shaken. To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Psalm 15.

I Just Don’t Get It
Jesus is my Savior. I trusted in Him and He forgave my sins and promised eternal life. Being a Christian is so wonderful. Following God is so fulfilling! I just don’t get how anyone would say, “There is No God.” To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Psalm 14.