How Long Lord?
I woke up praying for people this morning and suddenly realized I had been praying for some requests for almost 20 years. Why does the Lord make you wait? To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Psalm 13.

Being Different
Are you capable of living for God, even when those around you are not. I have met many who were the only ones that trusted in Christ in their family. Yet they hung on clinging to the cross. To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Psalm 12:1-5.

The Eye Exam You Didn’t Know You Had
Years ago, my doctor thought I might have pneumonia. So he sent me to the hospital for a chest x-ray. After the technician took the picture, I saw her looking at the x-ray and then looking at me. Her eyes said it all. Do you know that God’s eyes are examining you? To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Psalm 11:4-5.

Arise Lord
Every one of us is responsible for the afflicted and needy. To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Psalm 10.

Hope for the Needy
Sometimes it easy to forget that God cares for all people. He loves and cares about those who are needy. If you have Jesus as your Savior, you should also care about and help those in need.

Those Who Know You (Lord)
There are so many reasons to give thanks to God. We thank him for his love, forgiveness, and salvation. David knew firsthand that God never would leave him. So, he thanked God with all his heart. To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Psalm 9:1-10.
August 17, 2023

August 17
How Can it Be that You Care for Me?
David asked a question to God, “What is mankind that you are mindful of them?” Simply put he was asking “How can it be that you care for me?” To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Psalm 8:3-9.

Let the Praises Ring
I think we need to take daily praise breaks! So you may catch me singing a song, praying or otherwise praising the Lord. Praising God is good for our souls! To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Psalm 8:1-2.

God has Your Back
When I was growing up, my friends would just walk right in the side door of our home. As children we often played softball or football two blocks away. We knew God had our backs! To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Psalm 7.

When You are Wrong
All of us like to be right! But what happens when you are wrong. Do you freely admit it and run to God? To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Psalm 6.

In the Morning
One of the great aspects of being a Christian is that God hears our prayers. So we pray often and with confidence. To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Psalm 5.

In Peace I lay Down
Someone once said, “As soon as my head hits the pillow I begin to worry! I wake up in the morning consumed with fear. What can I do?” To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Psalm 4.

A Shield Around Me!
Are you overwhelmed with life? Is every step a difficult one? Let Christ be your shield in times of stress. To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Psalm 3.

Take Refuge in Him
Have you ever been rattled by something you heard? It is easy to forget that Jesus has already won! We have victory in Jesus. To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Psalm 2.

I am a slow walker. Multiple reasons. I pray and work on sermons when I walk. I am always reading and looking things up as I walk. I walk slowly because I just don’t move like I used to move. Often, I am tempted to keep in step with others. But then I realize the important part is that I walk with God! To learn more, listen to today’s thought based on Psalm 1.